
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 14- Making it Right

Day 14- Today, my act of kindness certainly found me. While visiting with neighbors, remembering that one of my resolutions is to get to know them better, my high energy toddler slightly tore a page in a book of the hostess. She profusely told me "not to worry about it", but of course I did. I decided to order and have delivered a replacement for the damaged book. Although it was an accident, and certainly that is how she viewed it, I still felt as though the kind and appropriate thing to do was to replace the book. It may seem like an act of common courtesy, but how often do we accept others attempts to "let us off the hook." Well intentioned others often give us permission to engage in behavioral patterns we are trying to change without realizing that they are giving us the opportunity for continued engagement in negative behavioral patterns. Others may give us permission to "cheat on a diet" or to "not worry about" a situation that we should repair, or may even give us permission to hold on to anger or resentment when we really should be providing encouragement or forgiveness. We all know these well intentioned people. I do appreciate, however, the friends I have who not only validate my feelings, but also spurn me to repair those situations in which I have contributed to bad feelings. Although today's act may be small, I feel like in some ways it's large. I'm not letting myself off the hook, nor am I letting anyone else do this either. This will be a new year of being me and doing those things that may be difficult. 351 more days of kindness...are you in?

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