
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 65-The Candy (Wo)man

Day 65-On day 65 in my journey of kindness I completed an act of kindness that has the potential to impact a number of people. I collected the candy from my house and filled two full gallon size ziplock bags. I got into the car, buckled my son in and headed off for the day. After I dropped him off I continued my journey to work. When I got to work I hustled into the building and dropped my things off in my office. I then took the two bags of candy to the nurses' station. I told her nurse on duty I was donating the candy for use to give children when they have their blood drawn, for prize box, etc. She smiled and accepted my gift. I hope that my donation will offset any cost for candy and will also provide the children with a smile. I love where I work and feel so fortunate every day to be surrounded with kind and generous souls. I guess my act today kept that cycle going in a way. Interestingly, I had to get my hair trimmed tonight and while my stylist worked we talked about my acts of kindness. She asked me a difficult question. She wanted to know what my favorite thing I have done so far is...and...I couldn't really answer her. I told her that there are so many acts that have been important to me and special, some big and some small, but perhaps the most life changing thus far is the experience I had at the Maya Angelou presentation. I told her that the most profound thing to me on this journey, so far, is how much it has changed me. There is a famous quote, "The more you change the way you look at things the more thing you look at change" and that is certainly true for me. I am noticing more and more the kindness and compassion that others show me and one another. I do not take for granted that someone holds a door for me or negate an encouraging word with suspiciousness. It's like my heart is growing and I am allowing myself to be more open. Not all who know what I am doing get it. Some are cynical. Others believe me to be naive. I am quite the opposite actually. I know that there are horrible and awful things that happen in this world. I hear the stories every day. In fact, I am a warrior against the negative as I put on my armor of kindness every day. I am not perfect and, in fact, far from it. I get grumpy and am short with people, but I don't mean to be. I hope that others can afford me some forgiveness and understanding that I too am a human being that is imperfect and a work in progress. I will keep growing through this journey. 200 more days of kindness...are you in?

Day 64-Stay Warm Little One

Day 64-On day sixty four I completed an act of kindness for the youngest daughter of one of my cousin's. As you know, if you have been reading my blog, I both knit and crochet. My cousin's youngest daughter just turned three and she is a sweet little thing with blonde springy curls and a beautiful smile. I decided to make her a scarf of some sort as a late birthday present. As I started to work on the project, I was struck with the complexities of a toddler wearing a scarf. For example, it can get caught in a zipper or a seat belt. It might dip into a puddle when playing outside or become entangled in play equipment. As I continued working on the scarf, I decided to make a change. I worked on the piece and changed it into an infinity type scarf or a neckwarmer with buttons so that it could be easily slipped on and off for both comfort and coziness. I crocheted a sweet flower to embellish the piece. I gave it to my mother to deliver it today. I hope she will like it! Additionally, a medical professional completed an act of kindness for me. I had to attend my routine physical exam, and before leaving he told me he thought I needed to get more sleep. He pulled out his prescription pad and wrote a prescription for my husband to act as a buffer to help my son go back to bed rather than waking me up when he has trouble sleeping. Amazingly, my husband did not protest and did what was written on the little piece of heavenly paper. Maybe my positive energy is coming back to me ;). 201 more days of kindness...are you in?

Day 63-A Day of Kindness for My Family

Day 63-On day sixty three of kindness day sixty two caught up with me :). I got home after midnight, which for a mom of a toddler is like never going to bed, and was so tired this morning when my son awakened me with the chickens (if you're a country girl you will get this reference). My husband, although he had gone to be early, was still sound asleep. Without complaint I swung my legs out of the bed and quietly brought my son downstairs. I turned on the television to one of his favorite shows and settled in to snuggle with him on the couch. He turned to me and batted his big blue eyes and asked, "mommy...will you make me pancakes?". I was so tired and just wanted to stay curled up under the blankets but I went into the kitchen and began to pull my supplies together. I took down the cookbook full of my PawPaw's recipes that my aunt so lovingly put together after he passed away and got to work. Although my son never got to meet this wonderful man, he resembles him in so many ways and will forever remain connected to him through his cooking, my family storytelling tradition and his own appearance that is similar to my special grandfather. I made pancakes and then we had a picnic for breakfast. I let my husband sleep until he could sleep no more, although I desperately wanted to do the same. Although these acts seem small, I did them with a grateful and serving heart. I put their comfort and happiness ahead of my own and hope that they know how much I love them. 202 more days of kindness...are you in?

Day 62-An Act of Kindness for Myself...Is that Cheating?

Day 62-On day sixty two I continue to feel tired and overwhelmed at times. I am trying to stay positive, but some days I am so tired and drained it makes it difficult to carry on this task. I know that there will be tough days and I continue to try to make sure that I am continuing on this journey. I am trying to not only be kind to others but to also be kind to myself. If I am tired, I try to rest. If I am hungry, I try to take a moment to eat and eat something healthy. There are many areas in my life that could use some tuning up especially those focused on self care. I am reminded that when I travel on an airplane the stewardesses, after they show the escape routes and emergency exits, remind that I have to put on my oxygen mask before putting on any other person's to help them. In other words, if I don't take care of myself, I am not able to be a good steward or provide for others. Sometimes with a toddler it can be difficult to carve out time for myself. As I work full time I feel guilty not giving him every moment that I have that are possible to spend with him. You may have an opinion about's fine...I am just a working mom doing the best I can. So, today, I decided that my act of kindness would be to do something for myself. I scheduled a massage with a provider whom I adore and set off to spend my evening soaking up the gift to myself and then spent the remainder of the night with some wonderful women celebrating my sweet friend who will be getting married next Saturday. I laughed and shared stories and loved every moment. I got home much later than I had planned, but it was well worth it to re-energize myself. 203 more days of kindness...are you in?

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 61-A Great Big Thanks and Some Things Don't Work Out

Day 61-Today is day 61 and, once again, I am posting late. This has been a very busy week and I have found that I have had difficulty posting on time each day. I will be mindful and try to keep up as the next week approaches. Thank you for your patience and forgiveness of my tardiness. On day sixty one in my journey of kindness, I crafted special and genuine thanks for the work that others do on a daily basis that supports what I do. I created a message of thanks, that I hope will result in feelings of appreciation and respect for the difficult tasks that they face on a daily basis. I could not do my work without their support and wanted to make sure that they all know how much I appreciate all that they do! Additionally, today I received a sad message from my friend in San Francisco. She did not receive the art I made for her until today...yes it took that long to get to her, and it was damaged in the process. Apparently the work took a swim in the ocean because it was water damaged and then delivered to her home. She was thrilled, although the integrity of the piece was damaged. Fortunately, the message of the work was still in tact and she could appreciate the message and love that I sent to her. I am reminded that some times good acts fall short of the goal. Although things don't always work out the way we would like I think we should not be thwarted from our goal of creating positive energy, a culture of kindness and love for one another. Who knows how the work got wet? Maybe the postman tripped and fell or the truck was leaking...I'm grateful it arrived. 204 more days of kindness...are you in?

Day 60-Encouragement and Other Important Things

Day 60-Today is day sixty, and I know I promised a recap, but I'm running a little behind. I will do a recap during the weekend to provide an update on the acts of kindness, people impacted and some future plans. On day sixty I realized that during my average day I am presented with the opportunity to provide kindness to others on a regular basis. I took advantage of these opportunities today. Even though tasks took more time and resulted in more work than I had planned to have to finish up tomorrow, it was worth it. I offfered encouragement, support and gave the greatest gift of all...time to others today. I spent time attending an event, time with people I work with and gave a listening ear to a co-worker while also providing support and encouragement for the work that they do. Many days, I am so busy I have hardly the time to eat lunch or use the bathroom and I could get overwhelmed by this and excuse myself to provide for my own care (not that this isn't important...because it is) but today gave of my time to others. Needless to say, when I got home I was tired. I spent the evening playing with my son and husband and laughing and then fell asleep with my son after reading him his bed time story. Wow...what a day. Regardless of how busy I am, I am finding acts of kindness are in my path every day. 205 more days of kindness...are you in?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 59-The Gift of Hospitality

Day 59-On day fifty nine on my kindness journey I was unsure what my act of kindness might be. I lent an extra hand at work, provided a listening ear for someone who needed to be heard and allowed cars out in front of me in an unhurried style. I saw lots of smiles, waves and heard many thank you's today. As I was leaving work, my husband called me. He told me he had several friends who would like to come to our house for dinner and to "hang out." Inside, I died just a little. It's not that I didn't want them to come over, as we always enjoy their company, I just started to think about our mess, how tired I was and what in the world we were going to do for dinner. I knew my husband really wanted to see his friends and knew that we would all benefit from a few good laughs and time to catch up. I took a deep breath and said, " about pizza?" and kept walking to my car. We've all had those days where what we wanted more than anything was to go home, take a bath, curl up on the couch, and enjoy an adult beverage, but those days are long behind me with a toddler in tow. I figured they wouldn't judge our mess and if they did, I'd ask them to help out cleaning up :) and putting things away. Needless to say, it was a great night and gave my husband a much needed re-charging of his happiness batteries. All were sweet to our son and enjoyed spending time with him. It was a great evening, that could have been ruined if I let the planning side of myself or the structured needs I have get in the way. Instead I accepted that everything "is as it is" and moved forward. I gave them the gift of hospitality and myself the gift of acceptance and some freedom. 206 more days of kindness...are you in?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 58-Care Package

Day 58-Today is day fifty eight in my journey of kindness. I am approaching almost a full two months of engagement in acts of kindness. Stay tuned for day sixty when I will again recap the acts of kindness, how many people have been directly impacted and a forecast of what is to come in the days ahead. Today I prepared a care package for a loved one. I have a family member who will be traveling out of state to participate in a medical assessment at a research hospital in order to be provided with the best possible medical care for a diagnosis of re-occurring cancer. On my way home I stopped by the grocery store. I filled a bag with drinks, crunchy snacks, healthy snacks, gum, a magazine, and a card. When I got home I filled out the card and added a little something extra to the bag. When I delivered the goodies tonight I told them that I hoped the treats would help the day pass in a more enjoyable way tomorrow. What was the extra item I put into the bag? It was a small plastic green T-Rex that could growl at the cancer and scare it away or be used to set limits with care staff if they were not as kind as possible. Either way...the token brought a smile and I hope will bring some comfort and humor during an uncertain time. Even though I cannot be there in person to offer my support tomorrow, I hope the package will remind the recipient that I am thinking of them and am holding them in my thoughts. Sometimes it is helpful to just let others know that they are valued, their journey is not a solitary struggle and to give permission. I give permission overtly every day for others to be present with their feelings with me, to acknowlege the struggle and to allow me to walk their path with them for a while. Not only are they changed by the journey, but because our souls and experience are intertwined I am changed as well. I heard somewhere recently that "courage is telling your story with your whole heart" and I wear mine on my sleeve. I guess, in my own way, I am brave. 207 more days of kindness...are you in?

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 57-Go Ahead and Pipe Cleaners

Day 57-On day fifty seven in my journey of kindness I found several acts of kindness found me. When I ran out to pick up some supplies that I needed for an activity today I noticed that the store was pretty bustling for a lunch time errand run. As I approached the checkout with my arms full of supplies I realized that the lines were very busy. Because there were no arm styems on le baskets I had my items precariously perched in my arms. I gingerly shuffled the items around to hold on to them in order to stand in line without dropping the items on the floor. I approached the belt and prepared to put my items on the belt. As I got ready to dislodge my items I noticed a young man swiftly walking in my direction with far fewer items than I had myself. He was listenting to music and missed my initial invitation to go ahead of me in the line. When he took his earbuds out and heard my invitation, he smiled. After paying for his items, he turned to me and said, "Thank you Miss!" and on his way he went. Later in the day a co-worker gave me some craft supplies in the form of two full packs of pipe cleaners. She gave me the two packs for my use with my son to make crafts at home. When I saw the two new packs I decided to keep one and to donate the others to his classroom for the teacher to use to complete crafts and activities with the kids. When I delivered the pack to the teacher she smiled and told me, "Of course we can always use pipe cleaners...thank you so much." I realized today that acts of kindness will be in our path if we are open enough to notice and complete them. Remember, when an opportunity presents itself to do something good "say yes...without hesitation...and do it." 208 more days of kindness...are you in?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 56-Jump Rope For Heart and Supporting Kids

Day 56-On day fifty six I had a long day. My son did not sleep well and I got up very tired this morning. My mother offered to come and keep my son for part of the day so that my husband and I could go out and spend some time together. My husband's mother, my mother in law, is battling cancer and he has been very emotional these last few days. He chose an afternoon movie and purchased tickets for us to pick up at the theater and we headed out the door when my mother arrived. We went out to lunch, went to the craft store (of course I needed more yarn) and then went to the movie. On my way home I remembered that I had seen on a friend's Facebook page that her son was to participate in Jump Rope for Heart today. As soon as we got home from our day out together, I went to the page and made a donation. I love that I have friends with children old enough to be engaged and who can understand that what they are doing is helping others. Even though I see so many children who are struggling both physically and emotionally my heart finds joy in the future of our world when I reflect on the healthy children in my own life. I am grateful that my son will grow up around others who know kindness, giving and empathy for others. For those children who do not have this gift I will continue my journey to bring peace, compassion, warmth, and understanding. 209 more days of kindness...are you in?

Day 55-Day of Family Fun

Day 55-On day fifty five I spent the day with my family. I found out that one of my cousin's husbands had been out of town for several days the evening before. She is a stay at home mom with three beautiful little girls. I asked her if I could come today with my son to allow the cousins to play together. She seemed excited for us to come and told me that another one of our cousins would be coming with her children too. This means that there were six kids ages six and under playing, running around the house and creating a mess. Needless to say, it was a wonderful day and we had so much fun making memories together. Before leaving to go to her home I stopped by the grocery store. I picked up supplies to fix lunch for everyone and some treats for the kids. I piled the groceries into the car, buckled Owen in and headed down the road. I stopped by the local coffee shack that I love so much and picked up a cup of coffee for myself and one for my cousin as a treat for her. When I pulled in, my cousin met me at the door and I passed her the coffee. She also hugged me and welcomed us into her home. When lunch was prepared and all of the kids were at the table I asked my cousin to take a picture. My eyes got a little teary looking at all of those sweet little ones sitting around the table enjoying their lunch together. I grew up very close with my cousins and I am so grateful that Owen has the same opportunity. After leaving my cousin's home, I took Owen by to see one of my aunts as well. It was a great day! Not only did I make lunch and bring my cousin a coffee, but I also brought Valentine's treats for all of the kids. Kindness begins in our own families and then we can take it out into the world. I am grateful that a family of loved and loving children is the family in which my son will grow up and find belonging. 210 more days of kindness...are you in?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 54-Indulge Your Sweet Tooth and Someone is Kind to Me

Day 54- On day 54 I am feeling tired. Our family has experienced some stress over the week and I have had some difficulty sleeping. As a result I having been treating my insomnia with a crochet project that will be an act of kindness on a future date. Stay tuned to find out what that project is! It's going to be a pretty great post! On top of being tired, experiencing some family stress and having a busy week at work I spent the day in a training. The training consisted of a six hour video with some of my co-workers. While I enjoyed the humor they provided and the time with them I felt a little fried after the training was completed. I went back to my office and opened my desk drawer. Inside the drawer, on top of my pencils I saw it. It was a clear celaphon bag tied with a precious ribbon and full of sweet treats. One of my co-workers tracked me down yesterday afternoon and told me she had something for me. She told me she has been inspired by my blog and felt as though someone should do something kind for me. What a sweet thought she had...literally! She brought me a treat bag full of chocolates. I felt so touched that she thought to do this act of kindness for me. Little does she know that her help and patience with me every day is an act of kindness in and of itself :). I appreciate all of the support she provides. When I saw the treat bag I knew what I would do for my act today. I opened the bag, ate a piece of chocolate and then walked down the hall to share a candy or two with another co-worker who was fading fast like I was. I gave her some documenation she needed from me and placed the candies on top of the stack of papers. She was on the phone and I didn't want to interrupt. I put the papers on the desk, pointed to the candies and patted her lightly on the arm. She immediately brightened and smiled and mouthed "thank you." We can complain and sit in our funkiness or we can actively change the energy. Rather than us commiserating how tired we were we enjoyed a treat instead and had a quick goodbye before the weekend began. 211 more days of kindness...are you in?

Day 53-My Nephew

Day 53-On day fifty three in my journey of kindness I started a project that will culminate in another act of kindness on another day. Today, however as part of that project I completed a token for my nephew, Devon. As you know (if you are reading my blog on a regular basis) that I crochet and knit. Tonight I completed a green hat for my little nephew. I have been promising his mommy for some time that I would give him something made with love by me but had not carved out the time to complete it. After all, I am a working mother and don't have lots of free time to do all of the crafts that I would like to do. I love to make things. Doing so feeds my creativity and the feminine. I try to be kind to the environment and make my own detergent and dish washer detergent as well. There's a satisfaction I feel in doing this and I know it's not for everyone. So tonight, I completed the hat and alerted my sister in law that it is ready for delivery the next time that they come into town. I hope he will like it and every time he wears it will know it also holds a "hug" from his aunt Bailey! 212 more days of kindness...are you in?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 52-Medical Care

Day 52-Today is day fifty two in my journey of kindness. This morning I started off my day at my primary care physician's office to get my lab work completed for a routine physical that I will have in a few weeks. As I sat in the waiting room I was struck with gratitude. I am grateful that my family and I can afford good medical care. While medical care is still expensive these days, even with good insurance, I reflected on the care that my family is able to receive and participate in and realize that others may not have the opportunity or the means to afford wellness visits or other necessary treatments. Many in today's society have difficulty accessing quality health care options. As the technician drew my blood I resolved to myself that I would make a donation today that would provide and help others access medical care in the United States. Some donations that I have made thus far in my journey have benefited those around the world, but today I wanted to target other Americans who may be in need of healthcare services. It saddens me that those who need care the most often have the most difficult time getting the level of care or the quality of service that they need. I hope that the donation that I made today will make a difference in someone's life. I hope that somehow through their own journey and struggle they will feel the warmth that someone out there is thinking of them and supporting them in their struggle. I am grateful for the medical professionals who have made a difference in my life and the life of my family. I am fortunate that my family has been treated with kindness and compassion and whole hearted care, especially in times of our fragility and when we were frightened and uncertain of the outcomes. Thank you to all of those who are out there, who read my blog and are healthcare professionals. Never forget that your interactions with others can make a profound impact. I will never forget the nursing home staff who were with me when my granny started her journey into passing over, who were compassionate and gave me the courage to be fully present with her though that process. I will never forget the emergency room physician who calmly and compassionately encouraged me to continue to breastfeed my seven week old son who had H1N1 (though we didn't know it at the time) while he ran every test known to man to find out what was going on with him because he knew that my son felt comforted while he was being nurtured. I will never forget the nurse who stood by my side and advocated for me to be in constant touch with my sick son while everyone bustled around the room, basically standing on their heads so that my son could be as comforted as possible during the scariest night of our lives. I will never forget the physician, who was teary eyed, in ICU who sat in a chair across from my husband and me, held our hands and gave us the statistics in the survival game we faced with our son. I will never forget the nurses who hug and play with my son when we go to the pediatrician. I will never forget the nurse who took my son after an ENT surgery and brought him back to me with the longest roll of stickers I have ever seen because "he was so snuggly." Believe me, your kindness makes a difference. The time you take to make a child feel like he is your only patient for the day...matters. Thank you from a grateful and humbled heart. 213 more days of kindness...are you in?

Day 51-Extra Tip and The Muffin Man

Day 51-Today is day fifty one in my journey of kindness. By now, you may have noticed that I am a slight coffee fiend. I love coffee, enjoy coffee and have a cup every day. In fact, I usually have a large cup every day. I am not an avid cash carrier and am at times, therefore, unable to leave a tip for the friendly baristas who make my coffee on a regular basis. Today happened not to be one of my non cash carrying days. As a result, when I pulled up to the coffee stand I put a substantial tip into the jar. I told them that I do not always carry cash and wanted to leave a substantial tip to make up for all the times I was unable to put a little extra in their jar. They smiled, thanked me and told me to have a great day. Today I also received a letter from the dear man that I wrote to who is serving time in jail as a result of a tragic accident. He thanked me and shared some stories with me regarding his grandchildren. He thanked me for the art that Owen drew for him and told me it lifted his spirits. He also asked me to pass along his gratitude to my mother for her card that she sent to him as well. I, of course, called her immediately to share his kind words with her. Of note, a co-worker returned an act of kindness to me today and brought me a delicious and heart healthy muffin. When she came into my office the morning with the treat I couldn't help but smile and give her a big hug. She shared with me that she made the muffins for a neighbor who had been experiencing some recent health problems and her youngest son got in on the act of kindness. They sang "Do you know the muffin man?", made a mess and memories in the kitchen together. Her story was so sweet that I got teary eyed thinking of what a sweet and empathic young man she is raising. I am grateful to know that such a sweet young man will go out into the world one day to make a difference. Today the word was...hope. I have hope for the world, for the manner in which others may treat one another and hope that the world doesn't have to be such a scary place for my own son to grow up. Mister Rogers once said something to the effect of..."when I would see bad things on the news my mother would say to me...look for the helpers...when bad things happen look for those who are helping...there are always people doing good." (paraphrased of course) Again, I find hope, springs eternal. 214 more days of kindness...are you in?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 50-Cancer is a Four Letter Word Con't

Day 50-Today is another one of those milestone dates. This is day fifty in my journey of kindness. I have been doing acts of kindness on a daily basis for fifty days now. Over 2,000 people have viewed my blog in ten different countries. I am awed and humbled by these statistics. Imagine if each person who read my blog completed an act of kindness with the challenge to keep the ripple going what a profound impact could be made. Each day I complete an act of kindness I know I am making a difference. Today I continued my acts of kindness towards those suffering or impacted by cancer. Today I made a donation to the American Cancer Society. I made a donation to continue the research for a cure against this disease that has impacted so many in my own life. While today was a simple task I hope that it will make a difference. I would like to challenge all of those who read my blog to make their own contribution to whatever charity touches their being. On a side note, I dropped off the pumpkin bread that I made yesterday to its intended recipient this afternoon. 215 more days of kindness...are you in?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 49-Cancer is a Four Letter Word

Day 49-On day forty nine in my journey of kindness I had a plan. I have several people in my life who are close to me that are battling, have recently battled and continue to fight cancer. Not only that, but I have several family members who are survivors of cancer as well. I imagine there are few of us on the planet who could boast to know no one who has been touched in some sort of way by the diagnosis of cancer. Whether a family family member, friend, co-worker, or spouse the "C" word is not one that anyone wants to hear. As far as I'm concerned, it's a four letter word. Not only do we not want to hear it...if we have heard it...we certainly don't want to hear it again. Unfortunately, there are many who have to battle this disease over and over again, and in my family we have a current family member who has been diagnosed for the third time. It certainly seems unfair and what astounds me is that in this area of the world many people will try to provide comfort by saying "there's a purpose" or "a reason." There could possibly be no purpose or reason for such a devastating diagnosis. Sure, I believe one can make a purpose and become stronger and live life in a carpe diem fashion due to being diagnosed with cancer, but to say there is a purpose or a reason feels inappropriate at a minimum and downright unempathic and hurtful at a maximum (now I'll get off my soap box). So, today I decided to provide comfort and some immune boosting substance by putting together a healthy pumpkin and flax bread that contains yogurt as well. It is an antioxidant rich loaf that can help support immunity and give the energy needed to help stave off the nasty cells making the person their host. It's my way of punching cancer in the nose. Really that's what it needs, a good old fashioned punch in the nose. It needs an army of people who say, "Nope...not gonna happen here. We are here to fight! We are not here to accept you and you are not welcome move on!" It may not be delivered by tonight, but it is on my counter wrapped and ready to go. My act of kindness today is to fight and if you agree...reach out to someone you know who has cancer or make a donation to the American Cancer Association. 216 more days of kindness...are you in?

Day 48-A Gift and a Sad Anniversary

Day 48-On the forty eighth day of my journey of kindness I got to spend time with my family. Not only did my sister and brother-in-law come to visit with my adorable niece and nephew, but my father, my son's beloved Doodah came to spend the night with us as well. In addition, my mother came over during the day while everyone played together. I should probably tell you that my parents are divorced, about 14 years divorced at this point, and I am incredibly fortunate that they spared us the fussing, arguing and not getting along part of that process. Apparently they could remain friends and civil in order for all of us to have a relationship, spend time together and continue to be a family in an unconventional sort of way. Believe me, I know this is not an easy feat and am grateful that they could do this for all of our sake. This was an extra special day to be with my father as today marked the anniversary of the death of his father and my PawPaw. We spent time this evening reflecting on family and the impact my grandfather had on our own development. On day forty eight I decided to do an act of kindness for another family member who has a birthday coming up this next week. I remember how when my grandfather died it happened that he was buried on his youngest daughter's birthday. In honor of both her and my grandfather I decided to make and give my aunt a scarf with a yarn that I knew she would love. I must tell you that while gifts are a love language, it is not one I can always afford, so I am not in the regular habit of getting birthday gifts for my extended family. In other words, since this is not something I usually do, I decided it would be my act of kindness for the day. I spent the afternoon lovingly crafting the item and then made the packaging in which it would be delivered. I texted her before going to bed to make sure she would be home in the morning for me to deliver it to her. When we are faced with painful and sad occasions it is nice to know that we can find comfort in family and support in one another. Where there is sadness, there is also hope. There is a challenge to seize every day and make the most of every moment we have with one another. I love my family and am grateful every day that I got to grow up with them. I am fortunate that so many of them live close by to help with my son's experience of growing up as well. 217 more days of kindness...are you in?

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 47-Orange Cranberry Bread

Day 47-Today is day 47 in my journey of kindness. I decided that today would be a targeted act of kindness. Last night after eating supper with my family, and after Owen helped wash the dishes, we set out to make a special breakfast treat. He got a bowl from inside a low cabinet and brought it over to me to place on the counter. I pulled the stool up to the counter and let him put the ingredients in the bowl. I explained to him that we were making an orange cranberry breakfast bread. He looked at me smiled, licked his lips and said "Nom nom nom!" He helped me stir the ingredients and pour the batter into a prepared pan. We stuck it in the oven and then went upstairs to read a night night story and to get him ready for bed. I set the timer and asked my husband to check on the treat when the timer dinged. When I came back downstairs to the cooling bread I put it on a rack and then set about to do some chores. After it cooled I wrapped it gingerly in plastic wrap to take to it's recipient on Friday morning (today). When I got to work I went right to the peron's desk for whom the bread was intended. She is a dear person who always has a full plate at work. She is friendly and warm and always very helpful. Not only that, but she has recently had some family stressors going on and I wanted to give her the bread as a treat that she could use for her family on Saturday morning. I hope she will be able to enjoy a cup of coffee and have the bread with her family and won't have to rush to make a special breakfast for the morning. I wrote a note with the bread expressing my appreciation for all that she does and to offer her some encouragement as she continues to be such a helper to others. There is a quote that I read often on others' social media pages that talks about being kinder than necessary with whom we interact as we never know what kind of struggle others are facing. This is so true. Sometimes we fail to recognize that just a smile or kind encouraging word could make the difference in someone's day. Today I made an overt showing of support for a co-worker. 218 more days of kindness...are you in?