
Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 28-Go Ahead

Day 28-(posted late) On day 28 I was battling a cold and not feeling well. I put my son to bed and curled up with him after reading a bedtime story and fell asleep. As a result, I didn't get a chance to post, so I am posting late. My act of kindness for day 28 was one that happened with a practice in patience for me. I had to go out to the grocery store to pick up a few things. I hadn't been feeling well but was mostly tired and no longer coughing or sneezing. As I shopped I spent much time stopping and waiting for others who were obviously in a hurry. As a rule, I try not to be in a rush in the grocery store because that only results in feelings of frustration and forgotten items. As I approached the checkout lanes with my few little items I was aware of a lady who was in my personal space. As you know from my day 2 post, I am not a fan of people in my personal space with whom I don't have a relationship. When I noticed her I stopped walking. She in turn stopped walking. It was clear she was racing to get ahead of me and I just watched her for a moment. I took a step forward and she tried to race around me again. When I stopped, again, she stopped. I took a step and she took a step. I started to feel frustrated. I was clearly trying to let her go around me to get ahead of me but she wasn't doing it. I took a deep breath and offered to allow her to go ahead of me when I really wanted to make a smarty pants comment about her nearly running over me and being in such a hurry. Instead I controlled my temper, which was difficult since I was so tired, and insisted that she go ahead of me and get in line first. The kicker...she didn't even say thank you! I don't know whether my act of kindness as letting her go ahead of me or refraining from saying something decidedly unkind. Either way...I paid it forward. 337 more days of kindness...are you in?

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