
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 46-Thank You and You Rock my Socks Off

Day 46-Today is day forty six in my journey of kindness. Each day I find myself considering the tapestry of human connection that exists on this great planet. When I reviewed my blog statistics I saw that it has been viewed by many international followers. Some followers are from Canada, Australia, Croatia, Germany, the Netherlands, and Malaysia. This to me is amazing. Imagine if each of these readers completed just one act of kindness which prompted another in their area to complete an act of kindness and so forth. Wow! I hope others are still being challenged and still consider doing additional acts of kindness as the year progresses. One friend, my friend Karen who went with me to see Maya Angelous on Tuesday, bought someone a chai and provided a kind and compassionate listening ear this week. Another friend of mine, Jennifer, who also contributed to rescuing an animal in an earlier post, bought supplies of paper, coloring books and markers for a local pediatric unit in her area. I love when others share their stories! This is what this journey is all about! It's about sharing kindness and showing others the world can be a warm and loving place with a focus on generosity and creating a culture of helping. My act today is a simple one. I took the time to really, truly with an open heart and out loud way to thank one of the best teachers my son has had the privilege of interacting with on a regular basis. I genuinely provided her with encouragement to keep on her path with working with small children, provided reassurance for the job that she does with my son and thanked her from the bottom of my heart for all that she does. She truly makes a difference every day and, while I feel this way every day I have not told her so openly how much I appreciate her and all that she does. If I could shout it from the mountain tops I would. In fact, I think I will thank her again on my blog :). Thank you Ms. Kathy for all that you do, all that you are and all that you provide to my son every single day. You rock my socks off and I never worry about him when I know you are with him because of your warmth, balance of limits and nurture and great care you provide him. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 219 more days of kindness...are you in?

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